
A holistic whole body hands on approach comprising of soft tissue massage, joint articulation and mobilisation, western medical acupuncture, cranial osteopathy and exercise prescription when applicable.

Charmaine started training as an osteopath over 15 years ago and qualified from the world famous British School of Osteopathy, now known as the University College of Osteopathy. After completing her Masters of Osteopathy she has undergone postgraduate training in a variety of areas from visceral work, obstetrics to pilates instruction to help with rehabilitation. She still enjoys attending various musculoskeletal courses and conferences. She continues to expand and develop a rounded knowledge to ultimately provide the best care for her patients. She is passionate about good healthcare for patients of all ages, and helping them take responsibility for maintaining their health, fitness and functionality.

Charmaine started training as an osteopath over 15 years ago and qualified from the world famous ... Read More

Daria, originally from Poland, moved to Northern Ireland in November 2022. She qualified as an Osteopath (M.Ost) in 2021 from University College of Osteopathy, London.

Daria originally trained as a Sports Massage Therapist in Dublin Holistic College. She continued her studies at London School of Massage where she also qualified in pregnancy massage.

Daria worked, for a number of years, within a treatment department of Urdang Academy as a sports massage therapist while she studied for her Osteopathy degree. She worked there with dancers and professional performers to help prevent and overcome injuries.

It’s been clear to Daria that stress plays an important role in many issues faced by patients. That’s why the relaxation component of the hands-on treatment is a significant part of her approach. She believes as well that movement is medicine and aims to empower people with some exercise recommendations.

Daria, originally from Poland, moved to Northern Ireland in November 2022. She qualified as an Os... Read More

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